Laboratory Medical arachnoenthomology and zoology with disinsection and deratization

Head of Laboratory

Chief assistant
Nadya Mitkova, PhD

tel. +359 2 944 69 99 /324/

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Laboratory staff:

  • Sofia Boneva, biologist

  • Tamara Lazarova, biologist

  • Emilia Vesheva, laboratory worker


Main activities:

  • To study the spread, seasonal activity, biology and ecology of arthropods and rodents – vectors and reservoirs of CDs
  • To study the epidemiological role of arthropods and rodents as vectors and reservoirs of CDs
  • To study the biological effectiveness of biocides
  • Testing the susceptibility of arthropods to different insecticides
  • To publish studies results in specialized journals
  • To assist MoH in development of ordinances and guidance materials
  • To participate in MoH commissions of experts
  • To teach DDD specialists

Scientific projects:

  1. Role of migratory and native wild birds as reservoirs of vector-transmitted infections in humans. Funded by Bulgarian Fund for scientific investigation /№ КП-06-Н33/16 from 21.12.2019
  2. The role of cave-dwelling bat species in Bulgaria as vectors and reservoirs of European bat lyssaviruses. Funded by Bulgarian Fund for scientific investigations /№ КП-06-Н31/14 from 11.12.2019
  3. Biological and molecular genetic studies on the insecticide resistance of native and invasive mosquito species. Funded by Bulgarian Fund for scientific investigations/ № КП-06-Н41/5 from 30.11.2020.


  1. Ivanova-Aleksandrova N. The role of birds in the transmission of Lyme disease. Probl. Infect. Parasit. Dis. 2020; 48(3): 36-42.
  2. Ivanova-Aleksandrova, I. Christova I, D. Dimitrov, M.P. Marinov, E. Panayotova, I. Trifonova, E. Taseva, T. Gladnishka, G. Kamenov, M. Ilieva, P. Zehtindjiev. Records of ixodid ticks on wild birds in Bulgaria. Probl. Infect. Parasit. Dis. 2021; 49(2):35-39.
  3. Trifonova I, Christova I, Ivanova-Aleksandrova N. et al.Survey of Borrelia burgdorferisensu lato and West Nile fever virus in wild birds in Bulgaria. Biologia (2022).
  4. Ivan N. Ivanov, Nadia Mitkova, Anna L. Reye, Judith M. Hübschen, Rossitza S. Vatcheva-Dobrevska, Elina G. Dobreva, Todor V. Kantardjiev, Claude P. Muller. Detection of New Francisella-Like Tick Endosymbionts in Hyalomma spp. and Rhipicephalus spp. (Acari: Ixodidae) from Bulgaria, Applied and Environmental Microbiology,77(15): 5562–5565. 2011.
  5. Ivanova-Aleksandrova, N., Dundarova, H., Neov, B. et al. Ectoparasites of Cave-Dwelling Bat Species in Bulgaria. Proc Zool Soc (2022).
  6. Velo E, Balestrino F, Kadriaj P, Carvalho DO, Dicko A, Bellini R, Puggioli A, Petrić D, Michaelakis A, Schaffner F, Almenar D, Pajovic I, Beqirllari A, Ali M, Sino G, Rogozi E, Jani V, Nikolla A, Porja T, Goga T, Fălcuă E, Kavran M, Pudar D, Mikov O, Ivanova-Aleksandrova N, Cvetkovikj A, Akıner MM, Mikovic R, Tafaj L, Bino S, Bouyer J, Mamai W. A Mark-Release-Recapture Study to Estimate Field Performance of Imported Radio-Sterilized Male Aedes albopictus in Albania. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2022 Aug 16;10:833698.
  7. Elitsa Panayotova, Evgeniya Taseva, Nadya Mitkova, Deyan Duhalov, Iva Christova. Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Virus Detected in Ticks Hyalomma aegyptium (L., 1758) (Ixodidae) parasitising on tortoises Testudo graeca L., 1758 (Testudinidae) in Bulgaria. Acta Zool. Bulg., in press.