NRL of Herpes and oncogenic viruses

Head of the laboratory

Dr. Dimo Dimov

1233 Sofia, Bulgaria, 44A Gen. stoletov blvd.

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Laboratory Staff:

  • Mariela Hristova-Savova, Biologist

  • Tanya Lazarova, Biologist

  • Ekaterina Mihaylova, Senior medical laboratory technician


Diagnostic activity

The laboratory is involved in deciphering the role of human herpes viruses in neuropathology in the country and applying molecular-genetic methods to demonstrate human herpes viruses in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in patients with neurological diseases.

Specific herpes viruses for which we test clinical samples (serum, whole blood, urethral and vaginal swabs, urine, CSF, etc.) are HSV-1/2, VZV, CMV, EBV. Tests are performed using state-of-the-art ELISA and PCR methods with high sensitivity and specificity that detect antibodies and DNA, respectively. These methods are critical to support evidence-based clinical decisions.

In addition, the laboratory uses molecular diagnostic methods for the specific identification of up to 21 types of low-risk and high-risk human papillomavirus to determine the molecular-epidemiological spectrum of this infection in the Bulgarian population. This diagnostic test provides the earliest opportunity to diagnose papillomavirus (HPV) infection and stratify the risk of developing cervical cancer as well as other cancers caused by HPV. The results are key to guiding future therapeutic decisions.

Consultative activity

The laboratory offers on-site consultation with a physician regarding the diseases caused by the specific viruses. The consultation includes a standard medical examination, recommendations for tests (if necessary), explanation and interpretation of tests, advice and prescription of outpatient treatment (if necessary) according to current guidelines.

Participation in interlaboratory and international controls

NRL "Herpes and oncogenic viruses" at the NCIPD, conducts twice yearly inter-laboratory control of laboratories in the Republic of Bulgaria that perform tests for herpes markers.

The laboratory participates annually in an international control for the diagnosis of the above-mentioned markers, organized and conducted by the specialized institute INSTAND Homepage - Germany. For the successful performance it receives certificates.


The Herpes and Oncogenic Viruses Laboratory annually provides training for students, biologists, medical and laboratory professionals in the form of postgraduate training and as part of the training for the medical specialties of Microbiology, Virology and Epidemiology and other specialties in the form of thematic courses "Modern etiological diagnosis and etiotropic therapy of herpes virus infections" and "Modern methods for diagnosis and prevention of HPV infections".


of the paid services provided by NCIPD, based on the Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 255 / 17.10.2012, promulgated in the State Gazette No. 81 / 23.10.2012 and Order No. 452 of 26.10.2012 of the Director of the NCIPD:

CodeLaboratory testsPrice in lev
103 Venipuncture and blood sampling 6,00
311 Qualitative ELISA test for anti-HSV1/2 antibodies 17,00
312 Qualitative ELISA test for anti-HZV antibodies 17,00
313 Qualitative ELISA test for anti-EBV antibodies 17,00
314 Qualitative ELISA test for anti-CMV antibodies 17,00
237 Detection of microorganism nucleic acid by polymerase chain reaction 41,00
326 PCR detection of papillomavirus infection (HPV) 81,00