NRL of Measles, Mumps and Rubella
Head of NRL of Measles, Mumps and Rubella
Assoc. Prof. Stefka Krumova, PhD
1233 Sofia, Bulgaria; 44A General Stoletov blvd.
tel. 02 9312324, 0888 820 354
Laboratory staff:
Radostina Stefanova - biologist
Marina Doncheva - medical laboratory assistant
Emilia Stefanova - senior medical laboratory assistant
Liliana Stoichkova - laboratory worker
History of laboratory
In 1974 the laboratory was created following the consolidation of existing laboratories "Measles" and "Mumps" and in 1978 the laboratory started to includes the problem "rubella".
By 2000 laboratory "Measles, mumps, rubella" is developing in several areas: scientific, viral diagnostic, production and training. Also seroepidemiological studies on the immune status of the population and control the effectiveness of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines in Bulgaria and improving the quality of Bulgarian vaccine preparations (measles and mumps) and associated (measles / mumps) vaccines and diagnostic agents which are used for serological tests.
After 2000 the laboratory is primarily engaged in diagnostic (development of new serological and virological methods), developing scientific problems, education and training aimed at: postgraduate education of specialists from the healthcare network and student training and seroepidemiological studies on vaccine-preventable diseases - measles, mumps, and rubella.
By order of the Ministry of 04/06/2001, the lab receives reference functions for the country and was renamed the NRL "Measles, mumps, rubella."
Over the years, the laboratory has been headed by renowned experts in the field of virology, including Assoc. Prof. A. Mihailov to 2008 and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Z. Mihneva to 2014.
Laboratory activities
The activities of the NRL "Measles, mumps, rubella" include detection the role of measles, mumps, rubella and human parvovirus B19 in infectious pathology of the country with different diagnostic methods:
- Decryption etiology outbreaks of these infections;
- Differential diagnosis approach of laboratory testing of complicated clinical cases (including neurological complications, complications due to maternal-fetal infection, etc.);
- Monitoring the effect of specific control of these infections, testing of specific serological profile on group of risk: women of childbearing age, medical staff, immunocompromised persons, etc;
- Testing of immune status for rubella and parvovirus B19 of women of childbearing age and pregnant women which are in contact with fever-rash infections and women included in the "in vitro" fertilization program, etc .;
- Issuance of a medical certificate to persons for work and education abroad regarding immune status against infections measles, mumps and rubella;
- Study on the prevalence of human parvovirus B19 in the country and its participation in different clinical manifestations;
- Conducting active serological and molecular-epidemiological surveillance of fever-rash cases as part of the European laboratory network for measles and rubella (WHO / EURO Measles / Rubella Laboratory Network), and for the purposes of national vaccine programs in the period elimination of these infections; NRL must investigate, rejected or confirmed every possible case of measles and rubella in the country;
- NRL evaluated twice a year the quality of diagnostic work of the virological laboratories in the country about detection of specific antibodies against measles, mumps and rubella.
The diagnostic activity of NRL is related to the detection of basic markers of measles, mumps and rubella and is accredited by Standards BG EN ISO / IEC 17025.
Since 2022, NRL "Measles, mumps, rubella" begins to research and validate methods for proving the monkeypox virus (MPOX) in Bulgaria, by means of real time PCR, studying all possible cases in the country.
NRL "Measles, mumps, rubella" is part of the Global Laboratory Network WHO measles and rubella (The WHO Global Measles/Rubella Laboratory Network) and participates annually in several international programs for external control and quality assessment of diagnostic work (Institute INSTANT, Dusseldorf - Germany, European Reference Center WHO - Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany and WHO Regional Measles Reference Laboratory -VIDRL, Melbourne, Australia.
National Programme for elimination of measles and rubella (2019-2022)
NRL "Measles, mumps, rubella" is the main contractor of the National Program for Elimination of Measles and Rubella (2019-2022) and working in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, RHI, and the Department of Epidemiology NCIPD. In this regard:
- Conducting a National Sero-epidemiological study of Collective Immunity against Measles and Rubella - the study includes individuals from all age groups and regions of the country, started in January 2021 with the collection of clinical materials and ends in December 2021. The NRL will perform all laboratory tests, and the data will be presented in national and international forums.
- Study and laboratory research of all reported cases of measles and rubella in the country.
- Determining the all measles genotypes circulating in the country, after the great measles outbreak 2009-2010.
- Determination of genetic mutations, incl. unique to the measles and rubella virus in the country.
NRL "Measles, mumps, rubella" participates in the WHO International Project for Whole-Genome Sequencing of Measles viruses circulating in Central and Western Europe. The project includes NRLs from Central and Western Europe; Robert Koch Institute, Berlin; Institute of Public Health, Luxembourg.
Offered tests in laboratory
Price list of paid services provided by NCIPD, MS№ 255/17.10.2012, 81/ 23.10.2012
Code | Laboratory tests | Price in lev |
315 | Qualitative detection of Measles IgM antibodies by ELISA | 17,00 |
316 | Qualitative detection of Mumps IgM antibodies by ELISA | 17,00 |
317 | Qualitative detection of Rubella IgM antibodies by ELISA | 17,00 |
343 | Qualitative detection of Measles IgG antibodies by ELISA | 17,00 |
344 | Qualitative detection of Mumps IgG antibodies by ELISA | 17,00 |
345 | Qualitative detection of Rubella IgG antibodies by ELISA | 17,00 |
362 | Diagnosis of parvovirus B19 infection by ELISA - IgM marker | 17,00 |
363 | Diagnosis of parvovirus B19 infection by ELISA - IgG marker | 17,00 |
237 | Proving of the nucleic acid of microorganisms with polymerase chain reaction | 41,00 |
Defended theses and major publications:
- S. Voleva. „Serological and molecular genetic study of the spread of parvovirus B19 among pregnant women and women of childbearing age in Bulgaria“. Diss., Sofia, 2020.
- A. Toshev. "Distribution of Erythroviruses in Bulgaria: serological, virological and molecular genetic studies", Diss., Sofia, 2015.
- St. Krumova. "Morpho-functional studies on the spermatogenesis of infertile men with azoospermia", Diss., Sofia, 2012.
- Z. Mihneva. "Sero-epidemiological studies in pregnant women exposed to rubella and some experimental data on the reproduction of the rubella virus", Diss., Sofia, 1977.
- Krumova, S.; Andonova, I.; Stefanova, R.; Miteva, P.; Nenkova, G.; Hübschen, J.M. (2022): Primate Erythroparvovirus 1 Infection in Patients with Hematological Disorders. Pathogens, 11, 497. Impact factor 4.531; Q2
- Krumova St., Andonova I., Stefanova R., Nenkova G., Genova-Kalou P. (2022): Measles Virus and Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis. Clinical laboratory, 68(9), 1850 – 1855, 7754/Clin.Lab.2021.211147. Impact factor 1,138; Q3
- Krumova St., Santibanez S., Andonova I., Stefanova R., Mankertz A., Kantardjiev T. (2022): Detection of measles virus in Bulgaria from 2012 to 2018. Croat Med J.; 63: 475-81. Impact factor 1,638; Q3
- Stefka Krumova, Ivona Andonova, Savina Stoitsova, Radostina Stefanova, Nadezhda Vladimirova, Kremena Parmakova, Anna Kurchatova (2021): Prevalence of measles IgG antibodies among healthcare workers in Bulgaria Probl. Inf. Parasit. Dis., Vol. 49, 2.
- И. Андонова, Р. Стефанова, М. Пишмишева-Пелева, С. Волева, П. Генова-Калу. Ст. Крумова (2021) Вирусни инфекции през 2020 година с обривен и фебрилно-интоксикационен синдром при деца по време на Covid-19 пандемията в България. бр. 3/2021, Педиатрия, 2-5.
- Ivona Andonova, Radostina Stefanova, Stefka Krumova (2020): Laboratory comparative analysis of serological and molecular biological methods for detection of measles virus in Bulgaria, Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Disease, vol.48, number2/2020, p 5-11.
- Ivona Andonova, Radostina Stefanova, Stefka Krumova (2020): Laboratory comparative analysis of serological and molecular biological methods for detection of measles virus in Bulgaria, Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Disease, vol.48, number2/2020, p 5-11.
- Коцев С., С. Крумова, М. Карамишева, И. Иванов, М. Шопова, Н. Ватев, М. Пишмишева–Пелева (2020): Докога ще лекуваме ваксинопредотвратими заболявания? Морбили в област Пазарджик – 2019 година. Превантивна медицина, VIII, 1(17), 11-15.
- Krumova St., Pavlova A., Yotovska K., Genova-Kalou P. (2019): Combined laboratory approach to detection of Parvovirus B19 and Coxiella burnetii in patients with fever of unknown origin. Clinical Laboratory. 1+2.
- Krumova St., Golkocheva-Markova E., Angelova S., Voleva S., Pavlova A., Georgieva I., Genova-Kalou P. (2019): Dried Blood Spots as a Clinical Samples for Laboratory Diagnosis and Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Bulgaria. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), Volume 51, No 1, pp 183-191.
- Krumova, S., Golkocheva-Markova, E., Pavlova, A., Georgieva, I., Angelova, S., Genova-Kalou, P. (2019). Detection of Measles and Rubella Antibodies in Dried Blood Spots. Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. 46(2):20-24
- Voleva S., Manolov V., Krumova St., Marinov B., Vasilev V., Shishkov S., Nikolaeva-Glomb L. (2019): Clinical case of parvovirus B19 infection in pregnant woman with b-thalassemia in Bulgaria. Clinical Laboratory. 65:877-879.
- Komitova R., Kevorkyan A., Boykinova O., Krumova S., Atanasova M., Raycheva R., Stoilova Y., Kunchev A. (2019): Difficulties in achieving and maintaining the goal of measles elimination in Bulgaria. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique, Volume 67, Issue 3, Pages155-162
- Voleva, S., Manolov, V., Krumova, St., Marinov, B., Vasilev, V., Shishkov, S., Nikolaeva-Glomb, L. (2019): Clinical case of parvovirus B19 infection in pregnant woman with B-thalassemia in Bulgaria. Clin. Lab., 65, p. 877-879.
- Kurchatova, A., Krumova, S., Vladimirova, N., Nikolaeva-Glomb, L., Stoyanova, A., Kantardjiev, T., Gatcheva, N. (2017): Preliminary findings indicate nosocomial transmission and Roma population as most affected group in ongoing measles B3 genotype outbreak in Bulgaria, March to August 2017. Euro Surveill., 22(36):pii=30611. DOI:
- Ivanova, S. K., Angelova, S., Stoyanova, A., Georgieva, I., Nikolaeva-Glomb, L., Mihneva, Z., Korsun, N. (2016): Serological and molecular biological studies of parvovirus B19, coxsackie B viruses and adenoviruses as potential cardiotropic viruses in Bulgaria. Folia Medica, 58(4), pp. 95-101. ISSN 0204-8043 (Print); ISSN 1314-2143 (Online). DOI: