National Reference TB Laboratory (NRL TB)
Head of NRL TB
Assist. Prof. Yuliana Atanasova, PhD
44A, Gen. N. Stoletov Blvd, 1233 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 2 944 64 45
Laboratory staff:
- Yuliana Atanasova, Assistant Professor, PhD
- Stanislava Yordanova, Assistant Professor, PhD
- Ana Baykova, biologist
- GabrielaVasileva, laboratory worker
History of NRL TB
NRL TB was established in 2005 as a part of the Microbiological Department, NCIPD. The laboratory is ISO 17 025 certified and also certified for its regular participation in the TB External Quality Assurance Scheme of e.V., Dusseldorf, Germany.
Main activities of NRL TB
Routine diagnosis of TB: using conventional and molecular methods – from sample accepting through smear microscopy and culture to strain isolation, species identification and drug susceptibility testing. The performed microbiological analysis are: smear microscopy – Ziehl-Neelsen; culture – solid medium: Löwenstein-Jensen and liquid medium, BACTEC MGIT 960 System; DST FLD – liquid medium, BACTEC MGIT 960 System; DST SLD – liquid medium, BACTEC MGIT 960 System; LPA – Geno Type, BRUKER: MTBDRplus, MTBDRsl, CM, AS, MTBC.
Reference activity:
Confirmation of resistant tuberculosis strains and species identification of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria strains (NTM) from all over the country. Twice a year NRL TB prepares panel testing for national TB network and performs EQA TB scheme for smear microscopy, culture and DST, according to Bulgarian Microbiological Standard.
Training courses:
Yearly 5 days training for biologists, doctors and lab technicians on microbiological diagnosis of TB and NTM.
NRL TB participates in national and international scientific projects and programs as follows:
- National TB program of Bulgaria, 2021-2025г.
- Fundamental Translational and Clinical Investigations on Infections and Immunity.European Fund for regional development through OP Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014-2020, (Grant BG05M2OP001-1.002-0001-C04)
- European Reference Laboratory for Tuberculosis – Net 2 (ERLTB-Net 2)
- „Non tuberculous mycobacteria in caves’ biofilms and carst rivers in Bulgaria and the related infections.” National science fund, № КП- 06-М61/8/15.12.22
- Atanasova Y, Baykova A, Bachiyska E, Yordanova S. Nontuberculous Mycobacteria - current risk in Bulgaria. Problems of infectious and parasitic diseases. Vol 51, 2, 2023, 19-24: DOI:
- Bachiyska EV, Atanasova YA, Baykova AI, Yordanova SP (2022) Mycobacterium intracellulare among TB suspected patients in Bulgaria – microbiological aspects. Folia Medica 64(4): 661-666.
- Yordanova S, Bachiyska E, Tagliani E, Baykova A, Atanasova Y, Spitaleri A, Cirillo DM (2022) Whole genome sequencing of Bulgarian rifampicin resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains. Folia Medica 64(4): 633-640.
- Guglielmetti L, Günther G, Leu C, et al. Rifapentine access in Europe: growing concerns over key tuberculosis treatment component. Eur Respir J 2022; 59: 2200388 [DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00388-2022].
- Gunar Günther, Lorenzo Guglielmetti, Claude Leu, Christoph Lange, Frank van Leth, TB net, Availability and costs of medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis in Europe, Clinical Microbiology and Infection,
- Cost and availability of drugs and treatment regimens and availability of drug resistance testing for tuberculosis in Europe. medRxiv 2022.02.15.22271006; doi:
- Vladimir Milanov, Nikolay Yanev, Natalia Gabrovska, Denitsa Dimitrova, Elizabeta Bachiyska, Vania Youroukov, Current approaches to control of isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis, Probl Inf Dis, Vol 50, 2022, 1, 25-31
- S. Yordanova, A. Baykova, Y. Atanasova, Y. Todorova, E. Bachiyska. Isoniazid-monoresistant tuberculosis in Bulgaria. Probl. Inf. Parasit. Dis.,Vol. 48, 2020, 1,p. 21-24.