NRL of Mycology


Head of NRL of Mycology

Dr. Lyubomira Angelova Boyanova

tel. +359 2 944 69 99 /ext. 318, 319/

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Laboratory staff:

Lilyana Lozanova

St. medical laboratory assistant

Lyubka Kovacheva



History of the laboratory

Founded in 1988 by Prof. Dr. Todor Kantarjiev, and from 1991 to 1993 it was united with the laboratory of OOI of the National Institute of Health Sciences. The main task of the laboratory is the organization of an inter-laboratory network of microbiological laboratories in the country for the diagnosis of skin-mucosal and systemic mycoses with regard to public health.

Cutaneous-mucous mycoses are the most common chronic infections among the population, and systemic mycoses are the most common complications in patients with immune deficiency, as well as nosocomial infections. The laboratory was designated as a National Reference Laboratory of Mycology in 2001 by order of the Ministry of Health. Since 2002, the laboratory has participated in the international quality control system, and is certified by INSTAND , Dusseldorf, Germany. Since the same year, 2002, the laboratory has been conducting external quality control for the country for laboratory diagnosis of skin-mucous mycoses and invasive fungal infections, and since 2013, for serological diagnosis of syphilis.

In 2002, the laboratory was accredited according to BDS/ISO 17 025, as the Mycology Sector of the LIC of the National Institute of Health, and is the only medical laboratory in our country with accreditation according to BDS 17 025.

Laboratory activities

The scientific - research activity of the laboratory is related to the development of experimental methods for studying the features of mycotic infections, and the practical application of diagnostic methods. The correct diagnosis and the adequate treatment of these diseases are of crucial importance for the successful mastery of the disease process.

The main activity of the laboratory is aimed at introducing into laboratory - diagnostic practice of standardized methods for conducting and interpreting the tests for diagnosis and determination of sensitivity to antifungals medicinally important yeasts and molds. In the laboratory was developed a unique serological studies for quantitative determination of antibodies to Aspergillus, Cryptococcus and Candida by indirect immunofluorescence as well as Latex Pastorex for antigen of Cryptococcus spp. A method for the detection of Aspergillus galactomannan antigen and Candida mannan antigen in human serum or plasma by immunoenzymatic method (ELISA) was developed.

Every year the laboratory organizes 2 post-graduate courses for a Microbiology specialty on the topic:

  • "Modern etiological diagnostics and etiotropic therapy of mycoses"
  • "Modern etiological diagnostics and etiotropic therapy of infections in immunocompromised patients"

The results of the scientific activity of the laboratory during the last five years are presented in the following publications in international and national refereed journals:

  1. Boyanova - Molecular and microbiological approaches for rapid etiological diagnosis of systemic mycoses – Problems of Inf. Diseases-2022, N3, vol. 49, 35-42. 2022. Q4
  2. Боянова Л - РНК – ваксините – подходи от реалната практика при определени групи пазциенти – Covid -19 през 2020-2021, ред. профИ. Христова и доц.Н.Янчева, 2022, 395-402
  3. Kohlenberg A, Monnet DL, Plachouras D. Increasing number of cases and outbreaks caused by Candida auris in the EU / EEA, 2020 to 2021. Eurosurveillance. 2022;27(46):1–6. IF 21.286
  4. Philipova I, Levterova V, Simeonovski I, Ivanova Z, Boyanova L, Kantardjiev T. Prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Mycoplasma genitalium in Bulgarian population of reproductive age from Sofia Municipality, 2018-2019. PROBLEMS of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. 2021 Aug 27;49(2):20-6. Q4
  5. Malcheva M, Philipova I, Simeonovski I, Levterova V, Brankova N, Kantardjiev T. Antimicrobial susceptibility of s. Pneumoniae strains isolated from children with nasopharyngeal carriage. PROBLEMS of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. 2020 May 12;48(1):15-20. Q4
  6. Plachouras D, Lötsch F, Kohlenberg A, Monnet DL, Candida auris Survey Collaborative Group. Candida auris: epidemiological situation, laboratory capacity and preparedness in the European Union and European Economic Area*, January 2018 to May 2019. Eurosurveillance. 2020 Mar 26;25(12):2000240. IF 6.307
  7. Kohlenberg A, Struelens MJ, Monnet DL, Plachouras D, Candida Auris Survey Collaborative Group. Candida auris: epidemiological situation, laboratory capacity and preparedness in European Union and European Economic Area countries, 2013 to 2017. Eurosurveillance. 2018 Mar 29;23(13):18-00136. IF 7.421
  8. Боянова Л- Клиничен случай на Tinea capitis дерматофитоза при дете, сп. Педиатрия, бр.3/ 2020, 2-3;
  9. Boyanova L, Ivanova Z- Clinical case of Cryptococcal meningitis in a liver transplant patient, Problems of Inf.Diseases, vol.49, N 1, 2021,37-40
  10. Ivanova, I. Philipova, L. Boyanova, T. Kantardjiev - Retrospective re-identification of Candida strains by MALDI-TOF in seek of Candida auris PROBLEMS of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. 2022. Q4