Laboratory of zooantroponozes and vector-borne parasitoses
Head of Laboratory of zooantroponozes and vector-borne parasitoses
Prof. Iskra Rainova, MD, DSc
tel. 02/ 944 69 99, ext. 311
Състав на лабораторията:
Ognyan Mikov, PhD
Assistant Professor
Елеонора Кънева, дб
Assistant Professor
Genka Toteva
medical technician
Nadya Kamenova
laboratory help
The main activities of the laboratory staff fall within the areas of obtaining and characterization of antigens from some parasitic species: Toxoplasma gondii, Trichinella spiralis, Leishmania spp., Entamoeba histolytica.
Development of bioproducts for serological diagnostics and culture media for some parasitic diseases such as:
- ELISA test kits for the detection of IgG antibodies in echinococcosis, trichinellosis, toxoplasmosis
- Indirect haemagglutination (IHA) tests for toxoplasmosis and trichinellosis
- Culture media for the cultivation of Trichomonas vaginalis, Entamoeba histolityca, Blastocystis hominis
- Immune rabbit sera against Toxoplasma gondii, Echinococcus granulosus, Trichinella spiralis.
The research work of the laboratory staff is directed towards studying the possibilities for the application of new serological methods for the diagnosis of parasitoses and analysing the impact of the parasites on the human immune system.
Members of the laboratory participate in the implementation of four scientific projects financed by the Scientific Research Fund:
"Studies on the cellular and humoral immune response in patients with acute and chronic form of toxoplasmosis", KP-06-N43/2 of 27.11.2020
Duration: 36 months
Project leader: Prof. Iskra Raynova, MD, DSc
"Biological and molecular genetic studies on the insecticide resistance of native and invasive mosquito species", KP-06-N41/5 dated 30.11.2020.
Duration: 36 months
Project leader: Assistant Professor Ognyan Mikov, PhD
"Phylogenetic and genotypic analysis of Enterobius vermicularis and studies on the influence of the parasite on the local immunity of the intestinal tract and the possibility of bacterial co-infections in infected persons in Bulgaria", KP-06-PN53/4 of 11.11.2021.
Duration: 36 months
Project leader: Assistant Professor Eleonora Kaneva, PhD
"Caves as a reservoir of new and re-emerging zoonoses - ecological monitoring and metagenomic analysis in real time", KP-06-N51/9 dated 11/16/2021.
Duration: 36 months
Project leader: Associate Professor Nikolay Simov, PhD from the National Museum of Natural History - BAS
Educational activity is carried out according to the programme for postgraduate training, organised in NCIPD.
Experts of the laboratory also are involved in the preparation of the annual analysis of parasitic morbidity in the country, development of national programs and research projects.